Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Sara Chapman

So my lovely friend Sara Chapman has landed a modelling contract and has asked me to take some lovely shots to do. As it has... sometimes been nice weather a took advantage of this. But I am wanting to do some studio shots soon too so they are yet to come :D

Monday, 23 May 2011

These are my final images for my last 3rd year project eeeeeeeee!!

My idea wass... This project is based on the idea of vulnerability. When a person sleeps their mind is exposed to everything the brain has to offer, you yourself have no control over what happens in the dream, who is in it and even where you are. Generally, when a person sleeps they are confined in a safe place, somewhere they call home that is recognisable such as a bedroom for example, in a bed. I on the other hand want to take this idea of vulnerability and sleeping into the dreams themselves and use the idea of different locations to establish a surreal theme to the images.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The start of my new project...

Basically people sleeping outside... lol